The Pandemic and the God — 3

Jatinder Singh
9 min readFeb 24, 2022

Concept of Buildings for God:

Think for a moment that you created Universe, Galaxies, Sun, Planets, Life and so on. Now would you stay in a Building which I and so many other people created for you or would you live where you want to live? Would you not enjoy out there in such a vast universe? Why would you restraint yourself to a building made out of materials like Cement, Bricks etc which you didn’t create in the first place?

If and when God walked first on Earth, there would be no buildings. I am sure, if God did walk on Earth, it would have enjoyed walking and sleeping on Grass. It would have enjoyed the valleys, natural sound of waters in River and Seas. If God comes to earth today, would it enjoy living in everything artificial?

Yet, we go and pray in the buildings that we created. We are telling god to come to that building to listen to us. Why can’t GOD listen to my prayers directly from my home or where I am like from a Bus, Train or anywhere else?

We enjoy going to those buildings because lot of people gather there and somehow our minds convince us that this is where we are going to get god and rest of the materialistic stuff (Remember god didn’t create money, jobs, house etc).

Concept of God is the ultimate doer\giver of all things:

I have heard this so many times that if God is willing to let this happen then this will happen but if it is not willing then this will not happen. Now, this might help you calm down in adversity when you believe that this was God’s will.

Now, look at the links I gave above. Did God kill so many people then?

Also, if god is capable of doing anything that is happening on Earth why wouldn’t GOD stop every crime at source and let innocent people live instead of punishing the culprit later?

Why don’t GOD just send a message to our brain when we are about to do something wrong?

Why hasn’t God put a review system in place for our deeds so they don’t get executed in Production similar to what we do in Programming so bad code doesn’t get checked in (My programmer friends will understand this :)).

There is a phrase in English, “God helps those who help themselves” —

Why doesn’t god help those who simply pray and not do anything else? Lets say there are 2 people, I who on one side is praying all the time and not working on anything else and there is a friend of mine who may or may not be praying but is working hard for his business\studies\job or anything else that you can imagine. Now imagine we both want to succeed in the same field of business\studies\job etc.

Who should the god support?

Well, before you answer the above question; pause for a moment and know the fact that God did not create the business, studies, job, money or anything else, we did :)

Moreover, if god is responsible for everything then lets stop doing everything and everything will still keep on happening. No?

If we are just pawns and god is the ultimate doer then why do we have justice systems and processes? Let’s abandon everything and if someone does anything wrong with us then just accept it as God’s will and move on. No?

In this pandemic, lets not wait for science to come with a vaccine or cure. God will cure the virus because it created the virus. No? But why did God create the Virus in first place? If God really wanted to let people die then why not do it without the need of virus?

I am not saying here the God created the virus for us to die. I am simply trying to question the concept that God is the ultimate doer and nothing moves without its will.

Concept of Heaven and Hell:

I really don’t understand this concept at all because if there is another Heaven and Hell then why we have such disparity in Human lives on Earth. Why some people enjoy their lives despite making others suffer. We have the heaven and hell, right in front of us.

Why would God create the Heaven or Hell and ask us to live on Earth? Did it get bored so it created Universe, Heaven and Hell and ask us to spend time on earth and evaluate when we die so we could be sent to Heaven or Hell or be sent back to Earth to go through the process again?

Does that not sound like a game created by a monster instead of a God? There is a heaven, a hell and yet so many people are suffering day in and day out. I mean if we did everything good then we will get Heaven, if we did everything bad then Hell but if we are somewhere in between then we will be given a life again to prove our worth. That sure sounds like a game to me.

Now imagine the first human beings who walked on earth. Where did they go? Because at that time the dynamics of the world would have been lot different, may be just like animals. No deception, no cheating, no Greed, no concept of money or anything else.

Where do animals like Lion, Tigers or other carnivorous go? To Hell?

Pogrom, Radio Rwanda, Jalianwala Bagh Masacare are some of the examples I gave earlier. Did those people (both who died or survived) really not go through hell?

Some of them who lived to see another day must have died million times with all the nightmares of the people screaming in their ears, the sight of blood, broken limbs and what not.

I believe the concept is nothing more than a mechanism to control our minds to do good or bad things depending upon who is controlling it. I mean people alive cannot go there and dead cannot come back to provide description. Yet, all religions on earth have these concepts in one form or the other.

Concept of re-birth as Human only after spending 8.4 million lives as other species:

Humans on earth at present is roughly around 7 billion, more than ever. On the other hand, a large number of species are on the verge of extinction or have gone extinct. So by the above logic, we must be doing lot of good things to be born as humans again and other species are therefore getting to the point of extinction so that they can be born as humans. But look around you, is the world a better place now? Have we stopped the crime? Is there no hunger in the world now? Is everyone equal?

So, if species are getting extinct then that means we can’t be born as other 8.4 million lives and therefore people who die now will never be born again as human :)

Just do the math, the numbers simply don’t add up. Its just a concept to scare the humans or may be to make them believe in God.

Concept of sufferings because of bad deeds in the past lives:

Imagine you being held prisoner for no known crime and the Judge punish you without hearing you and without telling you what you did for which you are getting punished. Would you accept it without any question? But that’s what we do, if something bad happens to us, why do we simply try to link it with previous lives?

Why don’t we reflect on the choices we have made. I am sure, we will get lot of answers if we introspect a little.

Concept of No God:

It is highly likely there is no God at all. It is likely we all have been told lies about how God created everything and is taking care of us whereas everything has been left to chance since the very beginning. It is quite possible that I am alive because I missed a bus, a train, an Airplane and that vehicle got into an accident and no one survived. Why would GOD want that accident to happen when it didn’t even create that vehicle?

Wouldn’t it make sense if everyone was born with same privileges and resources so as to see who could thrive then? If there is no God then the human logic of chances, randomness, Darwin’s theory of Survival of the fittest makes a lot of sense. “The virus is evolving right in front of our eyes and its a continuous fight of survival between the human and the virus”.

Yet, I believe there is a God who takes care of me. I believe it gives me strength to fight all odds. It gives me peace of mind. It helps me sleep well at night. It helps be believe there is good energy and there are good people on earth which makes it a place worth living and enjoying.

Why do we need the Concept of GOD or the GOD itself at all?:

I am weak, I need someone to talk to when I am alone, when I feel lonely. That’s when I need the GOD. God gives me strength. It tells me to be strong and have faith in it. It tells me there is light at the end of the tunnel. It lifts me when I am down. I need GOD because I cannot control the outcome of everything I do. I need GOD because I love to believe in Miracles. Above all, I need God to give me peace of mind.

We all need GOD because of some or most of the reasons I listed above. Your reason could be different than mine but we certainly don’t need God so we can protect its identity. Growing up, I was told not to be afraid because God was there to protect me but the narrative has changed now. Now, I need to protect the very God who was there all the time protecting me.


Well, there is nothing to conclude here. The article might be biased towards the concept of “No God” but I simply don’t know if there is a GOD or no GOD or multiple GODs but I do know the fact that it didn’t send us on Earth to kill each other or hurt others. Its just our belief that we are superior to others, that our concept of GOD is better than others is the reason behind this conflict.

No one knows the truth and no one has answers to these questions and I am not asking anyone to start disbelieving in god. All I am trying to say is to look around, understand things and start questioning things. We may get some answers or we may choose a different path to search those answers.

I believe, over the period of time, this concept of GOD has been distorted and we are made to believe GOD is ready to punish us if we didn’t worship GOD. We are made to believe “GOD” will be happy if we punished (read hurt or kill) someone who has or had a different concept from ours. This is the biggest problem that has plagued the mankind since eternity.

A lot of concepts I mentioned earlier are just to scare us to do the right thing but a lot of concepts have been misused to make us believe we are doing the right thing even they are not the right thing.

So, what do we do?

Ask yourself if what you are going to do is the right thing or not. Read, gain knowledge, meet people, know about their backgrounds and culture. Simply, don’t believe anything or everything that people you know say. It may help you to make the right decision. I don’t know if I take the right decision all the time but reflecting back on a decision helps me understand and gain knowledge and this is what I expect from others as well.

I will finish with one of my favorite dialog from the movie PK which says, there are 2 GODs, 1 who created all of us and probably the entire universe and 2nd who is a liar, selfish and mean like us, who gets angry like us, who wants to hurt people it doesn’t like.

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