The Pandemic and the God — 2

Jatinder Singh
4 min readFeb 24, 2022


Concept of One God for all the religions:

Is this possible that there is just 1 God but we made different religions because of our own limited knowledge, insecurities, beliefs, disagreements or any other reason?

We are all quite similar yet very different because of our genetics and the geographical regions\areas that we have been brought up in. We all have similar structures of our internal organs and external organs yet we have different strengths and weaknesses. No two humans have same DNA Structure, finger prints and same dental structure. These traits are unique to an individual and it has been proved by Science.

No proof across the whole world of just 1 God

Why is there no proof across the globe that there is just 1 God? Just like Sun, could god not appear in the Sky for everyone and prove there are no multiple powers but just 1 power?

Could God not create a message and send across that message directly to our brains proving its existence? If we as humans can build such powerful tools for communication, do you really think GOD did not have a capacity or thought process to create a tool which it can interlink with its own brain or a messaging system?

Why does the GOD let human kill other humans?

Why does the GOD not let its existence known when mob or group of people kill other humans for their own greed and benefit? I am perplexed at the very basic thought of someone killing others for their own greed.

History is full of such examples —

Adolf Hitler — We all know what he did, Holocaust

Valerian Trifa —

Wazir Khan —

Rwanda Genocide —

Because some of the above mentioned people suffered in their end days doesn’t mean the Justice was delivered to people who suffered from their hands. 1 quick death would not serve Justice to so many innocent people killed.

Injustice to people who suffered in Holocaust (See above) or in Pogrom —

or in Jalianwala Bagh Masacare

or in Sirhind —

and so many other like these which cannot be justified by saying the person responsible for their suffering met a dreadful end. It simply stopped other people from suffering and no way a justification to those who suffered.

If there was a God, would he not stop everything at source rather than waiting for disasters to happen and then delivering so called justice?

Disclaimer — The above links do not in any capacity want to bring hate or be biased towards any religion. There are hundreds and thousands of other examples in human history of such dreadful acts and none of them should be linked to any particular religion but to human greed in the name of religion, race, country etc.

Dinosaurs extinction

Did Dinosaurs or other species go extinct because GOD wanted humans to live on Earth or did Dinosaurs go extinct because of the reasons Science has been telling us?

Just think about it. If there were so many huge creatures were walking on earth, chances are we wouldn’t have thrived on Earth as we do today.

So, if God created everything including Dinosaurs why would it kill those animals for us to live? and if God didn’t create Dinosaurs then why would it kill them?

The specific question is why would God kill 1 living species for humans?

Suffering on Earth

Why there is so much suffering on Earth? Why are some people born in Rich families and some in poor families? Why some people live their lives in misery despite praying to God all their lives and why do some people enjoy their whole life despite doing the worst to the man kind.

Why is everyone not born equal? Why do some people have genetics which makes them stronger, smarter than others? Anyone who has been to gym will tell you how that 1 guy has been blessed and have wonderful genes. I am yet to come across a person who prays and have an absolutely wonderful physique without working at all in gym.

I am not saying anything against people who have been given money, genetics or anything which gives them advantage against other people. I am simply saying if God was there, would he not make it a point so everyone start at equal level so their choices are not limited by the environment they are born in?

Agreed, rich people can also make bad decisions and become poor. Likewise poor people can make extremely good decisions and become rich. But I am not limiting the idea and the question to just the money.



Jatinder Singh
Jatinder Singh

Written by Jatinder Singh

Learning to write, learning to live.

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